An alleged armed robber was shot and killed Monday night when he unknowingly targeted a concealed carry permit holder in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota.
The incident occurred just after 8 p.m.
According to WCCO, the concealed permit holder was standing at the end of a driveway when a 20-year-old male allegedly “tried to rob him at gun point.” The permit holder then pulled his own gun, shots were exchanged, and the suspect ran across the street, where he died.
Brooklyn Park Police Chief Mark Bruley said, “Responding officers did locate an adult male 20-years of age deceased in a parking lot.” The Star Tribune quotes Bruley saying the alleged robber was known to police. Bruley said the man “goes back and forth between Brooklyn Park and Minneapolis. He’s an individual we’ve known from previous contact. He certainly hangs out around here.”
Read more from Breitbart here
Note the part in the article where the robber has been fatally shot but is still able to run across the street. Keep that in mind when you consider your own possible response to any situation that requires drawing your firearm and shooting an assailant. Learn more about how many rounds may be needed to stop an attack, take a CCW class.