
Study Shows Criminals Buy Guns on the Street to Avoid Gun Shows and Internet Sales

By Dave Dolbee @ Shooter's Log on Cheaper Than Dirt published on November 2, 2016 Let me start by directing you…

8 years ago

Firearm background checks in Nevada

They’re not about public safety, they’re about money By Ben Robison Tuesday, January 5, 2010, posted on NPRI.org For almost 10…

9 years ago

ATF Recognizes Alabama Concealed Carry License as NICS Exception

From FreedomOutpost.com The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms has recently issued a letter to Alabama federal firearms licensees, which…

9 years ago

Homicide Rate In Liberal, Gun Controlled Chicago Explodes

Chicago's Homicide Rate Has Exploded This Year Chicago's homicide numbers this year are the worst they has been since the…

9 years ago

Way to go Arizona! All the other States in the union of states MUST follow this lead!

Arizona Passes Nullification of All Future Federal Gun Laws Rep. Anthony Kern (R-Glendale), Rep. Darin Mitc…hell (R-Dist. 13) and Rep.…

9 years ago

Concealed Carry Laws Effect Crime Rate

I recently read that concealed carry laws have really only been a recent phenomenon in our societies even though the…

9 years ago

Man dies, 1 arrested in shootout with 13-yo

The importance of being armed  for defense of your family, your home, and your property, can never be understated.  As…

9 years ago

Constitutional Right & Obligation to Carry

By Robert H. Boatman This excerpt is from his book, Living with Glocks There’s an old wisecrack, true as witticisms,…

9 years ago


Welcome to the launch. We are located in the northern Las Vegas Valley very close to the Clark County Shooting…

10 years ago